(1)主持了4项国家基金委项目(3项面上、1项青年)和6项省部级科研基金项目,参与了中国科学院战略性先导专项B、国家自然科学基金重点项目、中科院前沿科学重点项目等6项科研项目;(2)共发表SCI论文48篇,其中第一/通讯作者身份SCI论文23篇(含9篇TOP期刊论文,包括2篇Environ. Health. Perspect.、4篇Environ. Sci. Technol.);近5年共发表SCI论文24篇,其中第一/通讯作者身份SCI论文14篇;所有论文SCI他引1901次,引用次数>100的文章6篇;(3)以第一发明人身份授权国家发明专利2项;(4)现为中国分析毒理专业委员会青年委员,Biochar和Carbon Research杂志青年编委;(5)获得2022年度云南省“兴滇英才青年人才”称号;
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2009.09–2013.07:中国科学院生态环境研究中心,环境科学专业理学博士学位,导师:郭良宏 研究员
2007.09–2009.06:北京理工大学生命学院,获生物化工专业工学硕士学位,导师:屈锋 教授
2019.08–2020.09:美国加州大学欧文分校(UCI)发育和细胞生物学学院(Bruce Blumberg课题组)访问学者
1. Xiao-Min Ren#, Richard C Chang, Yikai Huang, Angélica Amorim Amato, Coralie Carivenc, Marina Grimaldi, Yun Kuo, Patrick Balaguer, William Bourguet, Bruce Blumberg*. 2,4-Di-tert-butylphenol induces adipogenesis in human mesenchymal stem cells by activating retinoid X receptors. Endocrinology. 2023 Feb 8; 164, 1–11. doi: 10.1210/endocr/bqad021. (医学 SCI 2区, IF:4.736,TOP期刊,引用3次)
2. Weiping Qin#, Xiao-Min Ren#, Lixia Zhao, Lianghong Guo*. Exposure to perfluorooctane sulfonate reduced cell viability and insulin release capacity of β cells. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2022. 115:162–172. (SCI, IF: 5.565,中科院分区: 环境科学与生态学 2区, SCI引用8次)
3.Xiao-Min Ren#, Linlin Yao, Qiao Xue, Jianbo Shi, Qinghua Zhang, Pu Wang, Jianjie Fu, Aiqian Zhang, Guangbo Qu*, Guibin Jiang. Binding and activity of tetrabromobisphenol A mono-ether structural analogs to thyroid hormone transport proteins and receptors. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2020. 128 (10):107008. (DOI: 10.1289/EHP6498) (SCI, IF: 9.031,中科院分区: 环境科学与生态学 1区, SCI引用29次,TOP期刊)
4.Xiao-Min Ren#, Yun Kuo, Bruce Blumberg*. Agrochemicals and obesity. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 2020, 515:110926 (DOI: 10.1016/j.mce.2020.110926) (SCI, IF: 4.102, 中科院分区: 医学 2区, 引用28次)
5. Wei-Ping Qin#, Lin-Ying Cao, Chuan-Hai Li, Liang-Hong Guo*, John Colbourne, Xiao-Min Ren*. Perfluoroalkyl substances stimulate insulin secretion by islet β cells via G protein-coupled receptor 40. Environmental Science & Technology. 2020, 54(6):3428-3436. (DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b07295) (SCI, IF: 9.028,中科院分区: 环境科学与生态学 1区, SCI引用28次,TOP期刊)
6. Lin-Ying Cao#, Xiao-Min Ren#, Liang-Hong Guo*, Estrogen-related receptor γ is a novel target for lower-chlorinated polychlorinated biphenyls and their hydroxylated and sulfated metabolites, Environmental Pollution, 2019, 254 (Pt B): 113088. (DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2019.113088) (SCI, IF: 7.314,中科院分区: 环境科学与生态学 2区, SCI引用15次,TOP期刊)
7. Chuan-Hai Li#, Xiao-Min Ren*, Lin-Ying Cao, Wei-Ping Qin, Liang-Hong Guo *, Investigation of binding and activity of perfluoroalkyl substances to the human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor β/δ, Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2019, 21(11): 1908-1914. (DOI: 10.1039/c9em00218a) (SCI, IF: 3.238,中科院分区: 环境科学与生态学 3区, SCI引用30次)
8. Xiao-Min Ren#, Chuan-Hai Li, Jian-Qing Zhang, Liang-Hong Guo*, Binding and activity of sulfated metabolites of lower-chlorinated polychlorinated biphenyls towards thyroid hormone receptor alpha, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 180: 686-692. (DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019.05.056) (SCI, IF: 4.872,中科院分区: 环境科学与生态学 2区, SCI引用11次)
9. Wei-Ping Qin#, Chuan-Hai Li, Liang-Hong Guo*, Xiao-Min Ren*, Jian-Qing Zhang. Binding and activity of polybrominated diphenyl ether sulfates to thyroid hormone transport proteins and nuclear receptors, Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2019, 21(6):950-956. (DOI: 10.1039/c9em00095j) (SCI, IF: 4.872,中科院分区: 环境科学与生态学 3区, SCI引用22次)
10. Lin-Ying Cao#, Xiao-Min Ren*, Yu Yang, Bin Wan, Liang-Hong Guo*, De Chen, Yong Fan. Hydroxylated polybrominated biphenyl ethers exert estrogenic effects via non-genomic G protein-coupled estrogen receptor mediated pathways. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2018, 126(5):057005. (DOI: 10.1289/EHP2387) (SCI, IF: 7.736, 中科院分区: 环境科学与生态学 1区, SCI引用42次,TOP期刊)
11. Chuan-Hai Li#, Xiao-Min Ren*, Ting Ruan, Lin-Ying Cao, Yan Xin, Liang-Hong Guo*, Guibin Jiang. Chlorinated polyfluorinated ether sulfonates exhibit higher activity towards peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors signaling pathways than perfluorooctane sulfonate. Environmental Science & Technology. 2018, 52(5), 3232-3239. (DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b06327) (SCI, IF: 7.149,中科院分区: 环境科学与生态学 1区, SCI引用107次,TOP期刊)
12. Lin-Ying Cao#, Xiao-Min Ren*, Chuan-Hai Li, Liang-Hong Guo*. Organophosphate esters bind to and inhibit estrogen-related receptor γ in cells. Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 2018, 5:68-73. (DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.7b00558) (SCI, IF: 6.934,中科院分区: 环境科学与生态学 1区, SCI引用26次,TOP期刊)
13. Yin-Feng Zhang#, Xiao-Min Ren#, Yuan-Yuan Li, Xiao-Fang Yao, Chuan-Hai Li, Zhan-Fen Qin*, Liang-Hong Guo. Bisphenol A alternatives bisphenol S and bisphenol F interfere with thyroid hormone signaling pathway in vitro and in vivo. Environmental Pollution 237 (2018) 1072-1079. (10.1016/j.envpol.2017.11.027) (SCI, IF: 4.358, 中科院分区: 环境科学与生态学 2区, SCI引用134次,TOP期刊)
14. Lin-Ying Cao#, Xiao-Min Ren*, Chuan-Hai Li, Jing Zhang, Wei-Ping Qin, Yu Yang, Bin Wan, Liang-Hong Guo*. Bisphenol AF and bisphenol B exert higher estrogenic effects than bisphenol A via G protein-coupled estrogen receptor pathway. Environmental Science & Technology. 2017, 51(19):11423-11430. (DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b03336) (SCI, IF: 6.934,中科院分区: 环境科学与生态学 1区, SCI引用110次,TOP期刊)
15. Xiao-Min Ren#, Wei-Ping Qin, Lin-Ying Cao, Jing Zhang, Yu Yang, Bin Wan, Liang-Hong Guo*. Binding interactions of perfluoroalkyl substances with thyroid hormone transport proteins and potential toxicological implications. Toxicology. 2016, 366:32-42. (DOI: 10.1016/j.tox.2016.08.011) (SCI, IF: 3.582, 中科院分区: 环境科学与生态学 3区, SCI引用99次)
16. Xiao-Min Ren#, Lin-Ying Cao, Jing Zhang, Wei-Ping Qin, Yu Yang, Bin Wan, Liang-Hong Guo*. Investigation of the binding interaction of fatty acids with human G protein-coupled receptor 40 using a site-specific fluorescence probe by flow cytometry. Biochemistry. 2016, 55:1989-1996, (DOI:10.1021/acs.biochem.6b00079) (SCI, IF: 2.938,中科院分区: 生物 3区, SCI引用15次)
17. Xiao-Min Ren#, Lin-Ying Cao, Yu Yang, Bin Wan, Sufang Wang, Liang-Hong Guo*. In vitro assessment of thyroid hormone receptor activity of four organophosphate esters. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2016, 45:185-190, doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2015.12.021. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jes.2015.12.021) (SCI, IF: 2.937,中科院分区: 环境科学与生态学 2区, SCI引用33次)
18. Xiao-Min Ren#, Yingfen Zhang, Liang-Hong Guo*, Zhanfen Qin*, Qiyan Lv, Lianying Zhang. Structure-activity relations in binding of perfluoroalkyl compounds to human thyroid hormone T3 receptor. Archives of Toxicology. 2015, 89(2):233-242. (DOI: 10.1007/s00204-014-1258-y) (SCI, IF: 6.637, 中科院分区: 环境科学与生态学 2区, SCI引用79次)
19. Xiao-Min Ren#, Liang-Hong Guo*, Yu Gao, Bintian Zhang, Bin Wan. Hydroxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers exhibit different activities on thyroid hormone receptors depending on their degree of bromination. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 2013, 268, 256-263. (DOI: 10.1016/j.taap.2013.01.026) (SCI, IF: 3.630, 中科院分区: 环境科学与生态学 2区, SCI引用89次)
20. Xiao-Min Ren#, Liang-Hong Guo*. Molecular toxicology of polybrominated diphenyl ethers: nuclear hormone receptor mediated pathways. Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts. 2013, 15, 702-708. (DOI: 10.1039/c3em00023k) (SCI, IF: 2.171, 中科院分区: 环境科学与生态学3区, SCI引用67次)
21. Xiao-Min Ren#, Liang-Hong Guo*,Assessment of the binding of hydroxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers to thyroid hormone transport proteins using a site-specific fluorescence probe. Environmental Science & Technology. 2012, 46(8):4633-4640. (DOI: 10.1021/es2046074) (SCI, IF: 5.257, 中科院分区: 环境科学与生态学1区, SCI引用98次, TOP期刊)
1.杨郁,郭良宏,任肖敏,万斌,谷玉新. 一种蛋白质O-GlcNAc糖基转移酶活性电化学传感检测方法,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 201610390521.1, 授权公告日: 2019年5月21日。
2.任肖敏,曹林英,杨郁,郭良宏. 一种荧光标记的全氟烷基酸探针及其应用,中国发明专利,专利号:201610543421.8, 授权公告日: 2018年4月3日。
3.任肖敏,曹林英,杨郁,郭良宏. 一种检测待测样品与GPR40结合能力的方法及其专用特异荧光探针,中国发明专利, 专利号:201620121989.0, 授权公告日: 2018年11月13日。
4.屈锋,任肖敏. 单细胞连续流毛细管电泳双波长检测细胞活性的方法,中国发明专利, 专利号200910079322.9,授权公告日: 2010.8.18 。
5.屈锋,任肖敏. 一种微通道式快速生物微粒计数方法,中国发明专利, 专利号200910079321.4,授权公告日: 2010.11.29。
5.云南省科技厅重大专项 (昆工),洱海流域新污染物环境健康风险评价及关键治理技术研发与示范应用(202302AG050001,2023.07.01-2026.6.31,500万)。
6.昆明理工大学,昆明理工大学-昆明理工大学附属医院(云南省第一人民医院)医学联合专项 (面上项目),全氟化合物替代品甲状腺激素系统干扰效应评价研究(KUST-KH2022006Y,2023.01.01-2025.12.31,10万)。
8.云南省科学技术厅,云南省科技厅项目:基础研究专项-青年项目,双酚A与全氟烷基化合物复合暴露雌激素干扰效应及其分子机制研究( 202101AU070175,2022.06.01- 2025.05.31,5万)。